With the "Lighthouse Competition Startup Factories", the federal government is elevating the EXIST funding to a new level. This initiative aims to create regional and internationally renowned startup hubs that serve as lighthouses and significantly increase both the quantity and quality of knowledge-based spin-offs.
With the "Lighthouse Competition Startup Factories", the federal government is elevating the EXIST funding to a new level. This initiative aims to create regional and internationally renowned startup hubs that serve as lighthouses and significantly increase both the quantity and quality of knowledge-based spin-offs.
Mehr über die Digital Hub Initiative erfahren
Exklusive Vernetzung mit anderen de:hubs
Zugang zu relevanten Branchen & Ressourcen
Kooperationen mit Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft & öffentlicher Hand
Nationale & internationale Sichtbarkeit für dein Start-up
Durch die Digital Hub Initiative bieten wir dir nicht nur ein lokales Netzwerk – sondern eine Plattform mit deutschlandweiter Reichweite!